Moon Phases for March 1984

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Latitude: 39.9625

Longitude: -83.0061

Time Zone: (EDT), GMT-04:00

Time Zone ID: America/New_York

Moon Phases for March 1984. See here the moon phases, like the full moon, new moon for march 1984 in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

All data are calculated from the TimeZone: America/New_York ((EDT), GMT-04:00).

New Moon

New Moon

Mar 2

01:31 pm

First Quarter

First Quarter

Mar 10

01:27 pm

Full Moon

Full Moon

Mar 17

05:09 am

Last Quarter

Last Quarter

Mar 24

02:58 am

New Moon March 1984

Moon phase details for Friday, March 2, 1984

• Moon Phase: New Moon - 01:31 pm ↑

• Illumination: 0%

• Moon Age: 0.2 days

• Moon Angle: 0.49

• Moon Distance: 405,396.314 km

• Moonrise: 07:27 am

• Moonset: 06:23 pm

• Sun Angle: 0.54

• Sun Distance: 148,317,374.451 km

• Sunrise: 07:05 am

• Golden Hour Ends: 07:42 am

• Golden Hour Starts: 05:49 pm

• Sunset: 06:25 pm

• Length of day: 11h 20m

First Quarter March 1984

Moon phase details for Saturday, March 10, 1984

• Moon Phase: First Quarter - 01:27 pm ↑

• Illumination: 52%

• Moon Age: 7.63 days

• Moon Angle: 0.53

• Moon Distance: 378,411.691 km

• Moonset: 01:42 am

• Moonrise: 11:09 am

• Sun Angle: 0.54

• Sun Distance: 148,626,569.760 km

• Sunrise: 06:53 am

• Golden Hour Ends: 07:29 am

• Golden Hour Starts: 05:58 pm

• Sunset: 06:34 pm

• Length of day: 11h 41m

Full Moon March 1984

Moon phase details for Saturday, March 17, 1984

• Moon Phase: Full Moon - 05:09 am ↓

• Illumination: 100%

• Moon Age: 15.43 days

• Moon Angle: 0.55

• Moon Distance: 364,964.239 km

• Moonset: 07:11 am

• Moonrise: 07:13 pm

• Sun Angle: 0.54

• Sun Distance: 148,912,049.585 km

• Sunrise: 06:41 am

• Golden Hour Ends: 07:17 am

• Golden Hour Starts: 06:05 pm

• Sunset: 06:41 pm

• Length of day: 11h 59m

Last Quarter March 1984

Moon phase details for Saturday, March 24, 1984

• Moon Phase: Last Quarter - 02:58 am ↓

• Illumination: 43%

• Moon Age: 22.77 days

• Moon Angle: 0.51

• Moon Distance: 394,200.074 km

• Moonrise: 02:08 am

• Moonset: 11:21 am

• Sun Angle: 0.53

• Sun Distance: 149,206,999.549 km

• Sunrise: 06:30 am

• Golden Hour Ends: 07:06 am

• Golden Hour Starts: 06:12 pm

• Sunset: 06:48 pm

• Length of day: 12h 18m

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